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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Egg Planning

In my groups egg-planning process we went through most of the steps in the planning process. Specifically;
  1. Define goals and objectives; our goal was to make a mechanism that would not break the egg when dropped. Objectives were to use the specified amount of tape and straws and position it effectively within the required time period.
  2. Determine current status compared to objectives; knowing that some of us were more careful and some were better at drawing and planning out, we used these resources effectively. Weaknesses were a lack of engineering background or seeing the objects in front of us, making completing the task somewhat difficult.
  3. Develop premises and several alternative strategies; we did not really make alternative arrangements because of the lack of time and lack of very good alternatives that we may have come up with.
  4. Analyze alternatives and make a tactical plan; we allocated job roles of me holding and dropping the egg and holding the tape while others were cutters of straws, etc. And we chose our original blueprint to go by and altered it to make it easier for our plan to succeed.
  5. Implement the plan and evaluate results; our egg cracked, so we did not reach our objective. We were very close but if we had more effectively tested the experiment and changed the strength of our design, there may have been a better result
Though our egg cracked, we planned effectively given a number of factors, lack of time and resources. But there could have been even better planning and this was a great learning experience.


  1. Looks like your team did a very good job even though you guys didn't protect the egg. It is very good for you to think it was a good evperience. That positive attitude must bring the success nest time.

  2. Hi Grigoriy.Our group passed all steps of the plannig process; however, we, like your group, didn't really test the plan because of the lack of time. It was the main reason why our egg cracked.

  3. Hi,
    My group also followed all the steps of the planning process. The lack of time and the stress that any planning process give did not help any group. But we learned to plan.

  4. The most challenging thing about the egg assignment was no room for a mistake. You can only drop it once and if it cracks, you are out. Your team did a good job though ‘using resources effectively’. I bet it was pretty stressful to drop it yourself.
